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Places You Should And Should Not Stay While Waiting For Roadside Assistance

When you have a car that stalled on the road and you can’t do anything to fix the problem, the best thing you can do is to call for roadside assistance. Once you’ve made the call and told them your location, all you need to do is to wait. While waiting and dealing with your frustration, you might decide to step out of your vehicle and take a quick walk.

However, you should make sure that you wait for roadside assistance in the right place for your own safety. In this post, we’ll tell you where you should and shouldn’t stay while waiting for the roadside assistance provider.

Places You Should Avoid

These places should be avoided while you wait for roadside assistance because they can be dangerous areas. Remember that there are also other people driving by and they may not easily spot you especially when it happens to be in the middle of the night.

On The Road

The first place to avoid is the road. Once you realize that there is something wrong that’s happening to your vehicle, you should try your best to get away from oncoming traffic. Make sure you get off the road and stop at the side of the road instead.

When you realize that your car is having trouble, use the flashing hazard lights to alert those who are also on the road. With this on, they won’t drive too close to you because you can suddenly stop and cause them to crash. Even if you are already moving very slow, try to maneuver your car to the side of the road. If you can find a parking spot while on the street, then it would be better.

Next To Your Car

You may have the urge to get out of the vehicle while waiting for the roadside maintenance service provider. If you get out of your car and stand right next to it, you could be in more danger than you think. Whether you are standing at the front, side or back, it is best not to stay outside next to your car.

Other drivers may not be able to see you or your car immediately and could accidentally crash into you. This could lead to serious injury and could even cause death. If you really want to go outside of your vehicle, make sure to walk off the road. The road is full of fast cars and even if your car is already on the side, some might still side sweep it accidentally because they didn’t notice it. That impact could get you injured if you are just beside your car.

Outside On The Highway

The highway is much more dangerous than the streets because the cars are faster. It can be more difficult to pull over to the side. In case you breakdown in the middle of the highway where there is a lot of traffic, it is not advisable to go out of your vehicle. It is best to stay inside the vehicle even if you feel stuck. If you decide to go outside, make sure you can safely cross and get out of the traffic’s way or else just stay inside.

Places To Stay While Waiting For Roadside Assistance

If there are places to avoid, there are also places where you should stay while waiting for the roadside assistance provider. These places are safer areas. You are less likely to get injured if you stay in them.

Right Shoulder Of The Road

Most roads today have an area at the side where drivers could park in case of an emergency. The right shoulder of the road is the best place for you to place your car. Pull off to the right as far as possible. This area is better than blocking the roadway. If you stop in the middle, other drivers still have to dodge you and some may not see you immediately, which is why they could hit you and your car.

Inside Your Car

As long as your car is not smoking, overheated, or on fire, you should stay inside your car. Also, keep your seat belt buckled. The car is more visible than a person standing on the road. Make your car even more visible at night by switching your hazard lights on. While waiting, you should also lock your car door and keep your windows closed. In the winter, staying inside the car is also best to protect yourself from the cold.

Away From Traffic

When you breakdown in the middle of the highway, it can be scary because cars might bump into your vehicle in case they don’t see you. If there is less traffic and it is safe to exit the vehicle, do so by using the passenger door. Wear a fluorescent jacket if you have one and stay away from the road. Just leave the car in the middle of the road and go to a safer place away from traffic.

When you need fast, friendly roadside assistance in Cincinnati, call One-Click Towing day or night…

Mike At One Click Towing

Mike Campbell is the editor-in-chief / owner of One Click Towing Company. He's been in the automotive business most of his like growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio

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